Wednesday, April 17, 2013


TAKE the case of a patient. Nature has almost
cured him, when the physician prescribes a herb
and asks him to drink its juice. After taking the
medicine he is completely cured. Now, is the
patient cured by the medicine'? Or does he get well
by himself? Who can tell?
Lakshmana said to Lava and Kusa, "You are mere
children, you don't know Rama's power. At the
touch of His feet, Ahalya31, who had been turned
into a stone, got back her human form." Lava and
Kusa said, "Revered sir, we know that! We have
heard the story, The stone became Ahalya because
of the power of the holy man's words. The sage
Gautama said to her: 'In the Tretayuga, Rama will
pass this hermitage. You will become a human
being again at the touch of His feet."
Now, who can tell whether the miracle happened
in order that the sage's words should be fulfilled or
on account of Rama's holiness?

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