Wednesday, April 17, 2013


ONE day in course of a conversation about God,
Mathur Babu observed, "God too must abide by
his own laws, He has no power to transcend
them." "What an absurd proposition!", I exclaimed,
"One who has made a law can repeal it at pleasure
or make a new law in its place."
'"How can that be?" said Mathur. "A plant that
produces only red flowers cannot produce flowers
of any other colour,—white, for instance, for such
is the law.
1 should like to see God produce white flowers
from a plant bearing only red flowers," "That too
He can do," answered I "for everything depends
on His will." Mathur was not convinced. The next
day, while taking a stroll in the temple garden I
came across a china-rose plant with two flowers on
the same stalk, one of which was red and the other
snow-white. I broke off the branch to show it to
Mathur, who felt highly surprised at the sight of it
and exclaimed, "Father, I will never more argue a
point with thee!"

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