Wednesday, April 17, 2013


ONE must believe in the Divine Presence in the
Once I went to Vishnupur. The Raja of that place
has several fine temples. In one of them there is an
image of the Divine Mother, called Mrinmayi.
There are several lakes near the temple, known as
the Lalbandh, Krishnabandh, and so on. In the
water of one of the lakes I could smell the
ointments that women use for their hair. How do
you explain that? I didn't know at that time that the
woman devotees offer ointments to the Goddess
Mrinmayi while visiting Her temple. Near the lake I
went into samadhi, though I had not yet seen the
image in the temple. In that state I saw the divine
form from the waist up, rising from the water.

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