Monday, April 15, 2013


WHERE the mind attains peace by practising the
discipline of 'Neti, neti', there Brahman is.
The king dwells in the inmost room of the palace,
which has seven gates. The visitor comes to the
first gate. There he sees a lordly person with a large
retinue, , surrounded on all sides by pomp and
grandeur. The visitor asks his companion, "Is he
the king?" "No", says his friend with a smile.
At the second and other gates he repeats the same
question to his friend. He finds that the nearer he
comes to the inmost part of the palace, the greater
is the glory, pomp, and grandeur. When he passes
the seventh gate he does not ask his companion
whether it is the king; he stands speechless at the
king's immeasurable glory. He realizes that he is
face to face with the king. He hasn't the slightest
doubt about it.

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