Sunday, March 31, 2013


ONK night a fisherman went into a garden and
cast his net into the lake in order to steal some fish.
The owner heard him and surrounded him with his
servants. They brought lighted torches and began
to search for him. In the mean time the fisherman
smeared his body with ashes and sat under a tree,
pretending to be a holy man. The owner and his
men searched a great deal but could not find the
thief. All they saw was a holy man covered with
ashes, meditating under a tree. The next day the
news spread in the neighbourhood that a great sage
was staying in the garden. People gathered there
and saluted him with offerings of fruits, flowers,
and sweets. Many also offered silver and copper
coins. "How strange!" thought the fisherman, 'T
am not a genuine holy man, and still people show
such devotion to me. I shall certainly realize God if
I become a true sadhu. There is no doubt about it."

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