Sunday, March 31, 2013


THE Rules for a sannyasin are extremely hard. He
cannot have the slightest contact with 'woman and
gold'. He must not accept money with his own
hands, and he must not even allow it to be left near
Lakshminarayan Marwari, a Vedantist, used to
come here26 very often. One day he saw a dirty
sheet on my bed and said: "I shall invest ten
thousand rupees in your name. The interest will
enable you to pay your expenses." The moment he
uttered these words, I fell unconscious, as if struck
by a stick. Regaining consciousness I said to him:
"If you utter such words again, you had better not
come here. It is impossible for me to touch money.
It is also impossible for me to keep it near me." He
was a very clever fellow. He said: "Then you too
have the idea of acceptance and rejection. In that

case you haven't attained Perfect Knowledge." "My
dear sir," I said, "I haven't gone that far."
Lakshminarayan then wanted to leave the money
with Hriday. I said to him: "That will not do. If you
leave it with Hriday, then I shall instruct him to
spend it as I wish. If he does not comply, I shall be
angry. The very contact of money is bad. No, you
can't leave it with Hriday, Won't an object kept
near a mirror be reflected in it?"

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