Sunday, March 31, 2013


A DISCIPLE said to his Guru that his wife loved
him very much and so he could not renounce the
world. The disciple used to practise Hatha Yoga.
To convince him of the hollowness of his plea, the
Guru taught him some secrets of this branch of -
Yoga. One day, all of a sudden, there was great
consternation in the disciple's house and wailings
and sobbing were heard all around. The
neighbours came running to the house, and saw
the disciple in a room, quite motionless, in a
peculiar convoluted posture. They all thought that
life was, extinct in the body. The wife of the
disciple was crying: "Alas! Where have you gone,
dear? Why have you forsaken us? Ah! we never
knew that such a calamity would befall us!" In the
meantime the relatives brought a cot to take the
corpse out for cremation. Then they found
themselves face to face with a very serious
difficulty. As the man was in a contorted posture,
his body would not come out through the door.
Seeing that, one of his neighbours, brought an axe
and began to cut the wooden frame of the door.

Till then the wife was weeping in an uncontrollable
fit of sorrow; but no sooner did she hear the sound
of the axe than she ran to the spot, and, though
still weeping, anxiously enquired what they were
about. One of the neighbours told her that they
were cutting the door as her husband's body could
not otherwise be taken out owing to its peculiar
posture. "No, no," cried out the wife, "don't do so
now. I have been widowed and there is none to
look after me. I have to bring up my fatherless
children. If you now cut the door, it cannot be
repaired again. Whatever was to happen has
happened to my husband. You had better cut his
hands and legs and take him out." Hearing this, the
Hatha Yogi at once stood up; the effect of the drug
having gone by this time, and bawled out,
"Woman, you want to cut my hands and legs?"
And so saying, he went away with his Guru
renouncing hearth and home.

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